Love That Lasts

Published on: March 9, 2025

Written by: Danielle Olliveros

Graduated from the class of 2012 in the Medical Program.

We’re thrilled to share stories of 4 couples whose jourenys began in East Tech’s bustling hallways! More than a decade later, their love is still thriving.

Erica + Marco Flores C/O 2013

Tell us about the early stages of your relationship: first impression, who made the first move, first date, etc.

Erica: I tried to make the first move but it wasn’t clearn enough to Marco until we had a friend lay it out directly for him. Then he made all the moves after that. Our first date was at Olive Garden (fancing dining for high school kids). We continued on many dates and eventually one night Marco rolled over while we were at home and asked me to be his hirlfriend.

The icing on the cake was when I said “yes”, he immediately screamed into his pillow from excitement. Marco is the one who made the first move and asked to kiss me the first time.

What keeps your connection strong after all these years, despite how much life has changed since high school?

Erica: The biggest thing that will remain true, evan as we age, is to be intentional with ourselves and our relationship. Each year as we get older, we have to intentially fall in love and adapt to the new person each of us become.

Neither of us are the same people we were back in 20212 – let alone a year ago. Growing up together taught us to recognize the changes each other will have with every season of our life.

We have beeen lucky enough to through many of life’s experiences together. This will remain and keep us connected as long as we always choose to love and respect each new version of each other.

How did growing up together shape your relationship and the people you are today?

Erica: Growing up together has been a challenging and rewarding experience. We’ve shared many of the same goals, even as young high schoolers, so it helped guide our life in the long run. We have been able to encourage and push each other through many jobs, challenges, and school to to where we are today.

Being able to have a foundation that began so long ago was crucial in getting through some of the challenges life has thrown our way.

Virdiana + Gustavo Tamayo C/O 2012

How did gowing up together shape your relationshop and the people you are today?

Viridiana: Growing together, we saw our opposite at their highest highs and lowest lows. WE had each other to lean on during those times. By each other’s side, we finished college, entered the workforce, make career changes, married, and now celebrating parenthood.

All of those are drastic life changes, but having a great partner by your side to support you is amazing.

Tell us about the early stages of your relationship: first impression, who made the first move, first date, etc.

Viridiana: We met in 9th grade English class, but didn’t date until 10th grade. Gus will tell you I thought he was annoying, but he was just way too outgoing and the opposit of me.

We became friends and began going on little dates to our neighborhood park to talk, where he made the first move. As he loves to remind me 15 years later, I did turn away from a kiss—but only because he caught me so off guard. But here we are so he wins, LOL.

Is there something about your partner that you’ve grown to appeciate more with time?

Viridiana: Gus has always been so outgoing, outspoken, makes friends everywhere. That’s something I loved then and love and appeciate so much now. It makes for a great partner and husband, and such an amazing and fun father to our girls.

If you could thank your high school selves for something, what would it be?

Viridiana: Thank you for picking a great partner, thank you for sticking through allthe hard times. Although 16 year old us couldn’t have imagine the life we have now, it’s all thanks to throse two kids falling in love. You’ll love all the adventures you’ll get to have with the person you love.

Prezell + Alex Singson C/O 2013

What keeps your connection strong after all these years, despite how much life has changed since high school?

Prezell: Play fighting keeps the spark alive, LOL. I think just being able to be your weird self wiht your person is the best form of connections.

Alex: Spending time together and laughing with or at eachother reminds ourselves that we’re still us no matter how much time has passed.

How did growing up togehter shape your relationship and the people you are today?

Prezell: Both of our families were very accepting of our relationship. We are very thankful that we got to grow up and grow old together. We started dating at 13 and now we’re 30, married, and have a baby!

Which high school memory makes you laugh the most when you think about it now?

Prezell: Kissing in the hallways! It’s so cringe to thank about it now! Or dancing at the high school dances.

Is there something about your partner that you’ve gorwn to appeciate more with time?

Alex: Prezell’s willingness to be ther for others in general.

Prezell: Alex’s backbone, LOL. She stand up for me and is willing to send my food back. I truly appeciate her being my voice when I won’t speak up for myself.

If you could thank your high shcool selves for something, what would it be?

Prezell: We would like to thank yourselves for making the friends that we had in high school. Those friends are now known as the best aunts and uncles to our child.

Savannah + Javier Hernandez C/O 2012

What’s a decision you made as a couply early on that still impacts your life together today?

Savannah: We both decided to continue cheering after high school and tried out for the University of Nevada, Reno cheer team. We started with the program in 2012 and graduated in 2016, but have had the opportunity to continue coaching after.

Cheer has brought us some of our closest friends, and to this day, allows us to travel all across the country, and to coach and mentor college athletes who are in the same position as we once were.

How did growing up together shape your relationship and the people you are today?

Savannah: Being with each other since high school helped shape who we are today because we get to see each other achieve our goals and have many firsts together.

From college degrees, to our first home, traveling to new places around the world, and starting a small business, we got to experience the highs and low of life together and what shaped us into the people we are today.

We have been so blessed to experience so many of life’s adventures togehter.

What keeps your connection strong after all these years, despite how much life has changed since high school?

Savannah: We’ve really learned to lean on each other’s strengths. Javi tends to be more optimistic and I’m more realisitc so we balance each other out and help keep each other grounded.

We’ve learned to not take life too seriously, especially when we are in our busy seasons.

Lastly, we always remember to appeciate the little things like sleeping in on the weekends and coming home every day to our dog, Cheddar.

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