Thank you to all the Alumni that have placed orders at this year’s Culinary Bake Sale! Over 39 orders have been made totalling over $1,100. Sales from the Culinary Bake Sale is used to fund the Culinary Arts program.
Category: Updates
Congrats to the c/o 2024 Alumni Scholarship Recipients
Congrats to the c/o 2024 recipients of the following alumni scholarships. Alexis Monasterio Scholarship – Angel Rosas Guerrero Glenda Goetting Scholarship – Charlette Cameron Mayra Verduzco Scholarship – AnaMalia Pine Trisha Benson Memorial Scholarship – Denisse Rodriguez
Help Send East Tech’s SkillsUSA team to Nationals
East Career & Technical Academy (ECTA) is seeking pledges to support four talented students participating in the national SkillsUSA competition in Atlanta, GA. Typically, this funding would be provided from the school’s operating budget. However, East Tech—a nationally-ranked magnet school in an underserved area—currently lacks the necessary funds due to budget cuts and insufficient local… Continue reading Help Send East Tech’s SkillsUSA team to Nationals
PPE Drive – We Did It!
Our very first PPE drive is not just 100% funded, but 104% funded! We want to thank all of the alumni for their donations. Through your donation, we will be providing East Teachers and staff: 1,100 pairs of small gloves 2,000 pairs of medium gloves 1,000 pairs of large gloves 4,172 disinfectant wipes 126 hand sanitizer bottles… Continue reading PPE Drive – We Did It!
Top 3 Reasons Why We’re Forming An Alumni Association (Simpsons Version)
HEY ALUMNI! Many of you have heard an Alumni Association for college, but for a high school? Is that common? Not really! And-most Alumni Associations for high schools are just for class reunions, so why is East Tech alumni forming an association? Here’s the top 3 reasons told with Simpson memes (enjoy!). 1. STAYING CONNECTED… Continue reading Top 3 Reasons Why We’re Forming An Alumni Association (Simpsons Version)
Class of 2020 Parade
Senior year: a time to reflect on your years in school, a time to celebrate an incredible milestone, and a time to prepare for whatever lies ahead in life. If only senior year was this simple for the Class of 2020. With a mere couple of months left of the school year, life became different.… Continue reading Class of 2020 Parade
East Tech – ACF Accredited Program Announcement!
EAST CAREER AND TECHNICAL ACADEMY’S CULINARY PROGRAM IS NOW AN AMERICAN CULINARY FEDERATION ACCREDITED PROGRAM. In July of 2019, East Tech received word that after a year of application submissions, a complete and thorough review of curriculum, meetings with community partners from all segments of the Las Vegas Valley and a two-day official visit by… Continue reading East Tech – ACF Accredited Program Announcement!