We are excited to announce the Senior Farewell at East Tech this Friday, May 8th, 2020 where the Class of 2020 will drive along a parade route through East Tech. We are in need of your help to make this day a special day for the Class of 2020 by joining us along the parade route and honking at the graduates as they proceed through the route.

Guidelines To Make This Event A Success
To make this event a success for the Class of 2020, please make sure to observe the following rules to prevent the event from being cancelled:
- Please park your car along the parade route BEFORE the official start time of the parade (at 6pm). Parking starts at 5:15 PM. There will be volunteers to assist with parking starting from behind the tennis courts until 5:50 PM. If you are running late, be mindful of the parade and do not get in the way of the seniors. Additionally, please see below for communication during the event.
- You MUST STAY IN YOUR CAR. This event was approved provided that all safety protocols will be followed. If you get out of your car, you will jeopardize the parade.
- You must adhere to all social distancing guidelines. This includes staying apart from each other and wearing a mask if you can.
- Decorating your car is encouraged, and make lots of noise during the parade.
- There will be a police presence, and they will be strictly enforcing the guidelines.
Communication During The Event
There are two ways to reach out if you have any questions or concerns:
- Up to date information will be provided on the FB Group event in the East Tech Alumni Association Facebook Group
- Join our GroupMe group for text communication during the event
Thank you Alumni and we hope to see you at the parade!

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